[ g i r l s ]
Bacia : BAH-chee-ah : ugandan "family deaths ruined the home"
Baka : BAH-kah : hindi "crane"
Bakarne : basque "solitude"
Bambi : BAM-bee : italian "child"
Banan : ba-NAHN : arabic "fingertips"
Bara : BAYR-uh : hebrew "to choose"
Barakah : ba-RAWK-uh or bayr-UH-kuh : arabic "white one"
Barbara : BAHR-bah-ruh : greek "foreign, strange"
Barika : bah-REE-kah : swahili "bloom"
Basha : BAH-shah : greek "the stranger"
Basimah : bah-ZEE-mah : arabic "smiling"
Batya : BAHT-yuh : hebrew "daughter of god"
Bayo : BAH-yoh : nigerian "to find joy"
Beatrice : BEE-uh-tris : latin "bringer of joy"
Bedelia : bah-DEE-lee-ah : french "strength"
Bel : BAYL : hindi - sacred wood apple tree
Bella : BEL-uh : czechoslovakian "white"
Belle : BEL : french "beautiful one"
Belinda : buh-LIN-duh : italian "beautiful"
Bellanca : BEHL-lahn-kah : greek "stronghold"
Bente : BEHN-teh : latin "blessing"
Berit : BAYR-it : old german "bright, glorious"
Beta : BAY-tuh : czechoslovakian "dedicated to god"
Beth : BETH : hebrew "house of god"
Bethany : BETH-uh-nee : arabic "house of poverty"
Beverly : BEV-er-lee : anglo-saxon "beaver meadow"
Bevin : BEH-vin : irish "lady with a sweet song"
Bian : BEE-uhn : vietnamese "secretive, hidden"
Bianca : bee-AHN-kuh : italian "white"
Billie : BIL-ee : old english "resolute"
Bina : BEE-nah : hebrew "intelligence"
Binti : BEEN-tee : swahili "daughter"
Birdie : BURD-ee : english "bird-like"
Birget : BUR-jet or BUR-git : norwegian "protecting"
Birkita : BUR-kee-tah : celtic "strength"
Bixenta : bih-SHEN-tah : basque "victorious"
Blanda : BLAN-duh : teutonic "dazzling"
Blenda : BLEN-duh : teutonic "dazzling"
Bliss : BLIS : anglo-saxon "joy"
Bly : BLIGH : native american "high, tall"
Blythe : BLIGHTH : old english "joyous"
Bo : BOH : chinese "precious"
Bohdana : BOH-dan-nah : russian "from god"
Bonamy : BAH-nuh-mee : french "good friend"
Bonita : boh-NEE-tah : spanish "pretty"
Bonnie : BAHN-ee : latin "sweet and good"
Borgny : BOHRG-nee : norwegian "help or new"
Brandy : BRAN-dee : dutch "brandy drink"
Brenda : BREN-duh : german "sword-blade"
Brenna : BREN-uh : celtic "raven maid, dark-haired"
Bretta : BRET-uh : irish "from britain"
Briana : BREE-ah-nah : celtic "strong"
Bridget : BRI-jet : irish "resolute strength"
Brie : BREE : french - region in france
Brier : BRIGH-er : french "heather"
Brietta : BREE-e-tah : celtic "strong"
Brina : BREE-nuh : celtic "protector"
Briony : BREE-uh-nee : latin - plant name
Brites : BREE-tehs : celtic "strength"
Britta : BREE-tuh or BRIH-tuh : celtic "strength"
Brittany : BRI-tuh-nee : latin "from britain"
Bronwyn BRAHN-win : welsh "dark hair"
Brooke : BROOK : old english "stream"
Brynn : BRIN : norwegian "coat"
Brynn : BRIN : welsh "hill"
[ b o y s ]
Bae : BAY : korean "inspiration"
Bailey : BAY-lee : teutonic "able"
Baingana : BAH-ee-ngah-nah : ugandan "people are equal"
Bakari : BAH-kahr-ee : swahili "promise"
Balbo : BAHL-boh : latin "inarticulate"
Balder : BAHL-der : scandinavian "god of light"
Baldwin : BALD-win : teutonic "bald friend"
Bale : BAH-leh : ugandan "home of the mutima clan"
Balendin : BAH-lehn-deen : latin "strong, brave"
Bali : BAHL-ee : hindi "mighty warrior"
Balin : BAH-leen : hindi "mighty soldier"
Balint : BAY-lint : latin "strong and healthy"
Bancroft : BAN-kroft : old english "from the bean field"
Bandele : bahn-DEH-leh : yoruban "born away from home"
Bane : BAH-neh : hawaiian "long-awaited child"
Banning : BAHN-ning : gaelic "blond child"
Baran : BAIR-uhn : latin - form of star aldebaran
Barclay : BAR-klay : old english "from the birch-tree meadow"
Barden : BAR-den : old english "boar's den"
Bardo : BAR-doh: danish "son of the earth"
Bardon : BAR-dun : anglo-saxon "barley valley"
Barnabas : BAR-nuh-bus : hebrew "son of prophecy"
Barnett : bar-NET : old english "nobleman"
Baron : BAIR-un : old english "nobleman"
Barrett : BAYR-et : teutonic "bear-like"
Barry : BAYR-ee : french "dweller of the barrier"
Barry : BAYR-ee : irish "spear-thrower"
Barse : BAHRS : english "fresh-water perch"
Barton : BAHR-tun : english "from the barley farm"
Basil : BAH-seel or BAY-suhl : arabic "brave"
Bastiaan : bahs-TEE-ehn : greek "venerable"
Baul : BAL : english gypsy "snail"
Bavol : BAH-vohl : english gypsy "wind"
Baxter : BAKS-ter : old english "baker"
Bay : BAY : vietnamese "born in july, seventh-born son"
Bayani : BAY-ahn-ee : filipino "hero"
Bayard : BAY-ard : teutonic "red-brown hair"
Baylor : BAY-lohr : anglo-saxon "horse-trainer"
Bazyli : BAH-zih-lee : polish "royalty"
Beacan : BEE-kaun : celtic "small"
Beagan : BEE-gen : gaelic "small one"
Beaman : BEE-men : old english "beekeeper"
Beau : BOH : french "handsome"
Beaumont : BOH-mont : french "from a beautiful mountain"
Beauregard : BOH-re-gard : french "beautiful view"
Beck : BEK : swedish "brook"
Beldon : BEL-don : old english "child of the unspoiled glen"
Belen : BAY-len : greek "an arrow"
Bem : BEHM : nigerian "peace"
Ben : BEN : hebrew "son"
Benen : BAY-non : irish "blessed"
Benjamin : BEN-jah-min : hebrew "son of the right hand"
Bennett : BEN-it : latin "blessed"
Benson : BEN-sun : hebrew "excellent son, son of ben"
Bent : BEHNT : latin "blessing"
Bentley : BENT-lee : old english "from the moor"
Berenger : BAYR-en-jer : french "courage of a bear"
Bergren : BER-gren : swedish "mountain stream"
Berk : BAIRK or BURK : turkish "solid and firm"
Berkeley : BERK-lee : anglo-saxon "from the birch meadow"
Bernard : BER-nard : teutonic "grim bear"
Bersh : BAIRSH : english gypsy "one year"
Bert : BURT : old english "bright"
Berthold : BER-tohld : teutonic "glorious ruler"
Berton : BER-ton : teutonic "glorious ruler"
Beval : BEE-vahl : english gypsy "like the wind"
Bevan : BE-van : celtic "youthful warrior"
Bialy : BYAH-lee : polish "white-haired boy"
Bilal : bee-LAHL : arabic - first convert of muhammad
Bitalo : bee-TAH-loh : uganda "finger-licking"
Blade : BLAYD : old english "glory"
Blaine : BLAYN : gaelic "thin, lean"
Blaise : BLAYZ : latin "stammerer"
Blake : BLAYK : old english "pallid"
Blaz : BLAHZ : old german "unwavering protector"
Bo : BOH : swedish "commanding"
Boden : BOH-den : old french "herald"
Bogart : BOH-gart : french "strong as a bow"
Bohdan : BOH-dan : russian "given by god"
Bolton : BOHL-tun : old english "of the manor farm"
Bond : BOND : old english "tiller of the soil"
Booker : BUHK-er : anglo-saxon "beech-tree"
Boone: BOON : french "good"
Borden : BOHR-den : old english "from the valley of the boar"
Boris : BOHR-ihs : slavic "battler"
Botan : boh-TAHN : japanese "peony"
Bowie : BOH-ee : gaelic "yellow-haired"
Bowman : BOH-men : english "the archer"
Boyce : BOYHS : french "from the woodland"
Boyd : BOYD : celtic "yellow, blond"
Boyden : BOY-den anglo-saxon "a herald"
Brad : BRAD : old english "broad"
Braden: BRAY-den : old english "from the wide valley"
Bradford : BRAD-ferd : old english "broad crossing"
Bradley : BRAD-lee : old english "from the broad meadow"
Bradney : BRAD-nee : old english "from the broad meadow"
Brady : BRAY-dee : old english "broad island"
Bram : BRAHM : gaelic "raven"
Bran : BRAN : irish "raven"
Brand : BRAND : scandinavian "sword blade"
Brandeis : BRAN-diss : german "dweller on a burned clearing"
Brandon : BRAN-don : anglo-saxon "sword"
Brant : BRANT : teutonic "firebrand"
Braxton : BRAKS-tun : anglo-saxon "brock's town"
Bray : BRAY : old english "to cry out"
Braz : BRAYZ : latin "stammerer"
Brazil : BRAH-zil : irish "brave, strong in conflict"
Brencis : BREN-tsis : latin "crowned with laurel"
Brendan : BREN-den : gaelic "little raven"
Brennan : BREN-nen : english "to brand"
Brent : BRENT : old english "steep hill"
Brentan : BREN-tan : english "steep hill"
Brett : BRET : celtic "from britain"
Brewster : BROO-ster : old english "brewer"
Briac : BREE-ak : celtic "estime"
Brian : BRIGH-an : celtic "the strong"
Briand : BREE-und : french "castle"
Brice : BRIGHS : celtic "quick-moving"
Brieg : BREEG : celtic "estime"
Brinley : BRIN-lee : old english "tawny"
Brishen : BREE-shen : english gypsy "born during a rain"
Brock : BROK : old english "badger"
Broderick : BROD-er-ik : old english "from the broad ridge"
Brodny: BROHD-nee : slavic "one who lives near a shallow stream crossing"
Brody : BROH-dee : gaelic "ditch"
Bronson : BRAHN-son : english "son of the dark-skinned one"
Bruce : BROOS : french "woodlands"
Bryant : BRIGH-ant : celtic "strong"
Bryson : BRIGH-sun : english "son of bryce"
Buck : BUK : english "male deer"
Bud : BUD : german "to puff up"
Burhan : BUHR-han : arabic "proof"
Burian : BUHR-yan : ukranian "he lives near the weeds"
Burke : BURK : teutonic "castle"
Burr : BUR : swedish "youth"
Burton : BUR-tun : english "bright fame"
Byron : BIGH-ron : anglo-saxon "bear"