[ g i r l s ]
Cadence : KAY-denz : latin "melodious"
Cai : KAY : vietnamese "female"
Caimile : kigh-MEE-lee : african - name from a proverb
Caitlin : KATE-lin : irish "pure"
Caitrin : KAYT-reen : irish "pure"
Cala : ka-LAH : arabic "castle"
Calandia : kah-LAHND-e-ah : greek "lark"
Calandra : kah-LAHN-druh : greek "lark"
Calantha : kah-LAHN-thuh : greek "beautiful blossoms"
Caledonia : KAYL-ah-dohn-e-ah : latin "from scotland"
Caley : KAYL-ee : gaelic "slender"
Calida : KAH-lee-duh : latin "ardent"
Calista : KAH-lee-stuh : greek "most beautiful"
Callan : KAHL-an : german "chatter"
Callia : KAHL-e-yuh : greek "beautiful"
Callidora : KAHL-i-dohr-uh : greek "gift of beauty"
Calliope : kahl-ee-OH-peh : greek "beautiful voice"
Caltha : KAL-thuh : latin "yellow flower"
Calypso : KAH-lip-soh : greek "concealor"
Cam: KAM : vietnamese "sweet " - orange fruit
Camelai : KAM-el-igh : latin - flower name
Camilla : KAH-mil-ah : latin "attendant"
Canace : KAN-is : greek "child of the wind"
Candace : KAN-dis : latin "glowing, luminescent"
Candida : kan-DEE-dah : latin "white, pure"
Candra : KAN-druh : latin "glowing, luminescent"
Cantara : KAHN-tar-uh : arabic "small bridge"
Caoimhe : KEE-vee : irish "gentleness, beauty, grace"
Capri : KAH-pree or kuh-PREE : anglo-saxon "the goat"
Caprice : KAH-prees : italian "fanciful, unpredictable"
Cara : KAIR-uh : latin "dear"
Cara : KAHR-ah : vietnamese "diamond"
Caradoc : KAHR-ah-dok : welsh "amiable"
Caresse : kuh-RES or kuh-RES-sah : french "beloved"
Carine: kah-ree-NAY : armenian "friend"
Carissa : kuh-RIS-uh : greek "loving"
Carita : KAHR-ee-tah : latin "beloved one"
Carla : KAHR-luh : teutonic "one who is strong"
Carlen : KAHR-len : teutonic "woman"
Carling : KAHR-leeng : old english "hill where old women or witches gather"
Carly : KAHR-lee : latin "little, womanly"
Carma : KAHR-muh : sanskrit "fate, destiny"
Carmel : KAHR-mel : hebrew "god's vineyard"
Carmen : KAHR-men : latin "song"
Carna : KAR-nuh : arabic "horn"
Carnelian : KAHR-nee-lee-en : latin - red gem
Carol : KAIR-ohl : old german "manly"
Caron : KAIR-un : french "pure"
Casey : KAY-see : gaelic "brave"
Casilda : KAH-sil-dah : latin "of the home"
Cassandra : kah-SAHN-druh : greek "prophetess"
Cassia : KAH-shuh : greek "champion"
Cassiel : KAS-see-el : latin "angel of saturday" or "the earthly mother"
Casta : KAS-tuh : greek "purity"
Castalia : KAS-tay-le-ah : greek - wife of king delphus
Catalin : KATE-uh-lin : basque "pure"
Catava : shah-TAH-vah : african - name from a proverb
Caterina : KAT-er-een-uh : italian "pure"
Catherine : KATH-er-in : greek "pure"
Catriona : KAT-ree-oh-nah : gaelic "pure"
Ceara : KEER-uh : irish "spear"
Cecania : SEHS-say-nee-uh : german "free"
Cecilia : SUH-sihl-e-uh : latin "blind"
Celandine : seh-LEN-deen or seh-LEN-dee-nah : greek "the swallow"
Celeste : SUH-lest : latin "heavenly"
Cerelia : SUH-ril-e-yah : latin "of the spring"
Chaitra : SHAY-truh: hindi - aries sign
Chanah : KAH-nah : hebrew "grace"
Chanda : SHAN-duh : sanskrit - name for goddess devi
Chandi : SHAN-dee : sanskrit - name of goddess sakti (anger)
Chandra : SHAN-druh : sanskrit "eminent, illustrious"
Chane : SHAH-nee : hindi - name of a god
Chanel : SHAH-nel : french "canal"
Chantal : SHAHN-tel : french "a song"
Charis : KAHR-is : greek "charity"
Charissa : KAH-ris-suh : greek "grace"
Charity : CHAIR-i-tee : latin "charity, brotherly love"
Charlotte : SHAR-lot : french "petite and feminine"
Charmian : SHAR-mee-an : greek "a little joy"
Chastity : CHAS-ti-tee : latin "purity"
Chava : CHAH-vuh : hebrew "life"
Chavi : CHAH-vee : english gypsy "daughter, child"
Chaviva : CHAH-ve-vuh : hebrew "beloved"
Chay : SHAY : old german "man"
Chaya : kigh-YAH : hebrew "life"
Chelsea : CHEL-see : anglo-saxon "port"
Chenoa : chay-NOH-ah : native american "white dove"
Cherie : SHAYR-ee : french "beloved one"
Cherise : SHUH-rees : greek "grace"
Chesna : CHES-nah : slavic "peaceful"
Chiara : SHE-ahr-uh : latin "famous, light"
Chika : chee-KAH : japanese "near"
Chilali : SHI-lah-lee : native american "snowbird"
Chimalis : SHI-mah-lis : native american "bluebird"
Chipo : CHEE-poh : african "gift"
Chloe : KLOH-ee : greek "blooming"
Cho : CHOH : japanese "butterfly"
Christable : KRIS-tah-bel : latin "beautiful christian"
Christine : KRIS-teen : latin "christian"
Chyou : CHEE-oh : chinese "autumn"
Ciannait : KIN-naht : irish "ancient"
Ciar : KEER : irish - saint's name
Claire : CLAYR : latin "bright"
Clara : KLAYR-ah : greek "bright, clear"
Clarinda : klayr-IN-duh : spanish "bright, brilliant"
Claudia : KLAW-de-uh : latin "lame"
Clementine : KLEM-en-tine : latin "mild, merciful"
Cliantha : KLEE-ahn-thuh : greek "flower of glory"
Clio : KLEE-oh : greek - muse of history
Clorinda : KLOHR-in-duh : fictional name (from tasso's jerusalem delivered)
Clover : KLOH-ver : anglo-saxon "clover"
Cochiti : KOH-chee-tee : spanish "forgotten"
Colette : KOHL-et : greek "victory of the people"
Colleen : KOWL-een : gaelic "girl"
Coralie : KOHR-ah-lee : french "maiden, girl"
Corazon : KOHR-ah-zahn : filipino "heart"
Cordelia : kor-DEE-lee-uh : celtic "sea jewel"
Cordelia : kor-DEE-lee-uh : latin "heart"
Cori : KOHR-ee : gaelic "from the hollow"
Corliss : KOHR-lis : old english "cheerful, generous"
Cornelia : KOHR-neel-e-uh : latin "yellowish"
Courtney : KORT-nee : french "from courtenay"
Crescent : KRES-sent : old french "one who creates"
Cressida : CRES-ih-dah : greek "gold"
Cybele : SIGH-bel : latin - name of an asiastic goddess
Cynara : SIGH-nahr-ah : greek "thistle"
Cynthia : SIN-thee-ah : greek "moon"
Cyprien : SIH-pre-ehn : french "cypriot"
Cyrene : suh-REEN: greek - name of mythological nymph
Cyrilla : SUH-ril-ah : latin "lordly, proud"
Cytheria : sigh-THEH-ree-uh : latin "venus"
[ b o y s ]
Cadeo : kah-DAY-oh : vietnamese "folk song"
Caedmon : KAYD-man : celtic "wise warrior"
Ceasar : SEE-sahr : latin "to cut"
Cailan : CAL-lahn : gaelic "child"
Cain : KAYN : hebrew "craftsman"
Calder : KAHL-der : old english "stream"
Calvin : KAL-vin : latin "bald"
Cam : KAHM : english gypsy "beloved (referring to the sun)"
Camden : KAM-den : scottish "from the winding valley"
Cameron : KAM-er-on : scottish "crooked nose"
Candan : KAN-dan : turkish "sincerely"
Canute : KA-noot : norwegian "knot"
Carden : KAHR-din : celtic "from the black fortress"
Carl : KAHRL : old german "man"
Carlin : KAR-lin : gaelic "little champion"
Carr : KAHR : norwegian "from the marsh"
Carrick : KAYR-ik : gaelic "dweller on the rocky cape"
Carson : KAR-sen : old norse "son of carr"
Carter : KAR-ter : old english "cart driver"
Carver : KAR-ver : old english "sculptor"
Casey : KAY-see : celtic "brave"
Casper: KAS-per : persian "treasurer"
Cassidy : CAS-i-dee : gaelic "clever"
Cassius : KA-shus : latin "vain"
Castel : kah-STEHL : spanish "belonging to a castle"
Cato : KAY-toh : latin "sagacious, wise"
Caton : kah-TOHN : spanish "knowledgable, wise"
Cavan : KA-ven : gaelic "handsome"
Cemal : ke-MAHL : arabic "beauty"
Chad : CHAD: old english "warlike"
Chaim : KIGH-em : hebrew "life"
Chal : CHEHL : english gypsy "boy, son"
Chale : CHAH-leh : spanish "strong and manly"
Chalmers : CHAL-merz : scottish "son of the lord"
Chander : SHAN-der : hindi "moon"
Chandler : SHAND-ler or CHAND-ler : french "candlemaker"
Chane : CHAH-nee : swahili "dependability"
Chaney : CHAY-nee : old french "oak"
Channing : CHAN-ning: old english "knowing"
Chapin : CHAY-pin : old french "clergyman"
Chapman : CHAP-man : old english "merchant"
Charles : CHARLZ : old german "man, strong"
Chase : CHAYS : old french "hunter"
Chatha : CHAT-hah : african "an ending"
Chauncy : CHAWN-see : latin "chancellor"
Chayton : SHAY-ton : sioux indian "falcon"
Chen : CHEN : chinese "great, vast"
Cheney : CHAY-nee : old french "from the oak forest"
Chester : CHES-ter : latin "from the fortified camp"
Chet : CHET : old english "from the fortified camp"
Chevalier : sha-VAYL-yeah : french "knight"
Chike : CHEE-keh : african "power of god"
Chin : CHIN : korean "precious"
Christian : KRIST-yan : english "christian"
Christoph : KRIS-toff : greek "christ-bearer"
Christos : KRIS-tohs : greek "christ"
Ciceron : SIS-er-on : latin "chickpea"
Ciro : SEE-roh : spanish "the sun"
Clark : KLARK : french "scholar"
Clay : KLAY : teutonic "mortal"
Clayton : KLAY-tun : english "from the clay town"
Clement : KLEM-ent : french "merciful"
Cleveland : KLEEV-land : old english "from the cliffs"
Clive : KLIGHV : english "from the cliffs"
Clyde : KLIGHD : welsh "heard from afar"
Cody : KOH-dee : irish "helpful"
Cody : KOH-dee : old english "a cushion"
Cody : KOH-dee : old german "possessions"
Colby : KOHL-bee : old english "coal town"
Cole : KOHL: greek "victory of the people"
Coleman : KOHL-man : english "charcoal burner"
Colin : KOL-in : gaelic "child"
Colin : KOL-in : greek "victor"
Colon : koh-LOHN : spanish "dove"
Colton : KOHL-tun : old english "town of colt-breeding"
Coman : koh-MAHN : arabic "noble"
Conan : KOH-nan : celtic "intelligent"
Condon : KON-dun : celtic "the dark-haired wise man"
Connor : KON-ner : celtic "wise aid"
Connor : KON-ner : irish "wolf-lover"
Corbett : KOHR-bet : latin "raven"
Corbin : KOHR-bin : latin "raven"
Corcoran : KOHRK-er-un: gaelic "of reddish complexion"
Cordell : KOHR-del : french "small rope"
Corey : KOHR-ee : gaelic "raven"
Cort : KOHRT : old german "bold"
Coty : KOH-tee : english "old house"
Courtland : KORT-lind : english "dweller in court"
Craig : KREG : gaelic "from near the crag"
Crispin : KRIS-pin : latin "curly-haired"
Crosby : KROZ-bee : english "dweller near the town crossing"
Cullen : KUL-en : celtic "young animal, handsome"
Curran : KUHR-an : gaelic "hero"
Curtis : KURT-is : old french "courteous"
Cynric : SIN-rik: old english "with royal might"
Cyrano : SIGH-rahn-oh: greek "from cyrene"