[ g i r l s ]
Dabria : dah-BREE-uh : latin - name of an angel
Dacey : DAY-cee : gaelic "southerner"
Dacia : DAH-shuh : latin "from dacia"
Dacio : DAH-sho : french "from arcy"
Dae : DAY : korean "greatness"
Dagmar : DAG-mahr : danish "joy of the danes"
Dagna : DAG-nuh : old german "a splendid day"
Dagny : dahg-NEE : norwegian "day, brightness"
Dai : DIGH : japanese "great"
Daisy : DAY-zee : old english - flower name or "day's eye"
Dakota : dah-KOH-tah : native american "friend"
Dale : DAYL : old norse "valley"
Dalila : dah-LEE-lah : african "gentle"
Damalis : dah-MAHL-is : greek "one who gentles"
Damara : DAH-mar-uh : greek "gentle girl"
Damaris : DAH-mar-is : greek "heifer"
Damita : dah-MEE-tuh : spanish "little noble lady"
Dana : DAH-nuh or DAY-nuh : czechoslovakian "god is my judge"
Dana : DAY-nuh : scandinavian "from denmark"
Danett : DAH-net : hebrew "god is my judge"
Dania : DAYN-yuh or DAHN-yuh : hebrew "god is my judge"
Danica : dah-NEE-kah : slavic "the morning star"
Danielle : DAN-yehl : hebrew "god is my judge"
Daphne : DAF-nee : greek "laurel tree"
Dara : DAHR-uh : hebrew "compassion, wisdom"
Dara : DAHR-uh : persian - angel of rains and rivers
Daralis : DAH-ral-is : old english "beloved"
Darby : DAHR-bee : gaelic "freeman"
Darcy : DAHR-see : gaelic "dark"
Daria : DAHR-ee-ah : persian "queenly"
Darlene : dahr-LEEN : anglo-saxon "tenderly beloved"
Dasha : DAH-shuh : greek "gift of god"
Davine : dah-VEEN : hebrew "the loved"
Dawn : DAWN : old english "dawn"
Daya : DAY-ah : hebrew "bird"
Deandra : dee-AHN-druh : latin "divine"
Deborah : DEB-uh-ruh : hebrew "a bee"
Deianira : DEH-uh-neer-uh : greek - wife of heracles
Deiene : DIGH-een: basque - religious holiday
Deirdre : DEER-druh : gaelic "sorrow"
Delaney : deh-LAY-nee : gaelic "descendant of the challenger"
Delbin : del-BEEN : greek - flower name or "dolphin"
Delia : DEE-lee-yuh : greek "visible from delos"
Delicia : DEH-lee-shah : latin "delightful one"
Delilah : duh-LIGH-luh : hebrew "delicate"
Della : DEL-uh : teutonic "of nobility"
Delphine : del-FEEN : greek "calmness"
Dembe : DEHM-beh : ugandan "peace"
Demi : DEE-mee : french "half, small"
Dena : DEE-nah : hebrew "vindicated"
Dena : dee-NAH : native american "valley"
Denise : duh-NEES : greek "of dionysius"
Desa : DEE-suh : greek "a pledge"
Desdemona : DEZ-dee-moh-nah : greek "ill-fated one"
Desiree : DEZ-ih-ray : latin "so long hoped for"
Deva : DEE-vah : sanskrit "divine"
Devaki : dah-vah-KEE : hindi "black"
Devi : DEH-vee : hindi "resides in heaven"
Devin : DEV-in : gaelic "poet"
Devnet : DEV-neht : irish "poet"
Devon : DEE-vahn : old english "defender"
Diamanta : DEE-ah-mohn-tah : french "diamond-like"
Diana : DIGH-an-ah : latin "divine"
Dianthe : dee-AHN-thuh : greek "divine flower"
Diella : DEE-el-uh : latin "worships god"
Dillian : DIL-yen : latin "worshipped one"
Dilys : DIL-ees : welsh "genuine"
Dinah : DIGH-nuh : hebrew "vindicated"
Dionne : DEE-oh-nee or DEE-ahn : greek "divine queen"
Disa : DEE-suh : norwegian "active spirit"
Dixie : DIKS-ee : french "tenth"
Dita : DEE-tah : czechoslovakian "rich gift"
Dolly : DAHL-ee: greek "divine gift"
Donata : duh-NAHT-ah : italian "gift from god"
Donna : DON-nah : italian "lady"
Dooriya : DOO-ree-yuh : english gypsy "the sea"
Dora : DOHR-ah : greek "gift"
Doreen : DOHR-een : french "golden"
Dorinda : DOHR-in-dah : greek "gift of god or beautiful one"
Doris : DOHR-is : greek "a dorian woman"
Dorothy : DOHR-thee : greek "gift of god"
Dory : DOHR-ee : english "golden-haired"
Drew : DROO : greek "vision"
Drina : DREE-nah : spanish "helper and defender of mankind"
Drucilla : droo-SIL-uh : latin "strong one"
Dulcinea : dul-SIN-ay-ah : spanish "sweet"
Dyani : de-YAH-nee : native american "deer"
Dymphna : DIMF-nah : gaelic - virgin saint "suitable one"
Dyna : DIGH-nah : greek "powerful"
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Dag : DAG : norwegian "day"
Dagan : DAG-an : hebrew "grain"
Dakarai : DAH-kah-rah-ee : african "happiness"
Dakota : dah-KOH-tah : native american "friend"
Dale : DAYL : old norse "valley"
Dallin : DAYL-lin : old english "pride's people"
Dalton : DAHL-tun : old english "valley farm"
Daly : DAY-lee : gaelic "advisor"
Damek : DUH-mek : czechoslovakian "earth"
Damen : DAY-mon : greek "taming"
Damian : DAY-me-ahn : greek "tamer"
Damon : DAY-mon : greek "constant"
Dane : DAYN : old english "from denmark"
Daniel : DAN-yel : hebrew "god is my judge"
Danior : DAH-nee-ohr : english gypsy "born with teeth"
Dante : DAHN-teh : italian "lasting"
Daren : DAH-rehn : nigerian "born at night"
Dario : DAHR-e-oh : spanish "wealthy"
Darnell : DAHR-nel : english "hidden nook"
Darren : DAYR-en : gaelic "great"
Darrel : DAYR-el : old english "beloved"
David : DAY-vid : hebrew "beloved"
Davin : DAH-vin : scandinavian "bright finn"
Davis : DAY-vis : scottish "david's son"
Deacon : DEE-kun : greek "servent, messenger"
Dean : DEEN : latin "presiding official"
Decker : DEK-er : belgian "roofer"
Delano : DEL-ah-noh : old french "of the night"
Delsin: DEL-sin : native american "he is so"
Deman : DE-mahn : dutch "man"
Dempsey : DEM-see : gaelic "proud"
Dempster : DEMP-ster : old english "judge"
Dennis : DEN-nis : greek "of dionysus"
Denver : DEN-ver : old english "green valley"
Der : DAYR : german "ruler of the people"
Derek : DEHR-ik : old german "ruler"
Derry : DEHR-ree : irish - ancient hero or "great lover"
Desmond : DEZ-mund : celtic "man of the world"
Deverell : DEV-er-ell : welsh "from the riverbank"
Devin : DEV-in : gaelic "poet"
Devlin : DEV-lin : gaelic "brave"
Dexter : DEKS-ter : latin "dexterous"
Diederik : DEE-da-rik : danish "ruler of the people"
Dieter : DEE-ter : german "ruler of the people"
Dillon : DIL-on : gaelic "faithful"
Dimitri : di-MEE-tree : greek "from demeter, goddess of the harvest"
Dobry : DOH-bree : polish "good"
Dominic : DOM-i-nik : latin "of the lord"
Donatien : DOH-nah-tyen : french "gift"
Donato : duh-NAHT-oh : latin "a gift"
Donnelly: DOH-nel-lee : celtic "dark, brave man"
Donovan : DON-o-van : gaelic "dark warrior"
Doron : doh-RON : hebrew "gift"
Douglas : DUG-las : scottish "from the dark water"
Dov : DUV : hebrew "bear"
Doyle : DOYL : gaelic "dark stranger"
Drake : DRAYK : old english "male duck"
Drew : DRU : old french "sturdy"
Dugan : DOO-gan : english "to be worthy"
Duglas : DUG-las : gaelic "dark stranger"
Duncan : DUN-kan : celtic "dark-skinned warrior"
Dunstan : DUN-sten : old english "from the brown rock quarry"
Durand : DUR-and : latin "enduring"
Durriken : DOO-reek-en : english gypsy "fortune-telling"
Dusan : DOO-sahn : serbo-croatian "god is my judge"
Dustin : DUH-stin : old german "valiant fighter"
Dutch : DUTCH : german "the german"
Dwayne : DWAYN : celtic "from the dunes"
Dyami : d-YAH-mee : native american "eagle"
Dylan : DIL-on : welsh "sea"
Dymas : DEE-mas : greek - father of hecate