[ g i r l s ]
Eartha : ER-thuh : old english "of the earth"
Easter : EE-ster : old english - holiday
Ebony : EB-uh-nee : english "dark beauty"
Echo : EK-o : greek - name of a nymph "repeated voice"
Edana : e-DAHN-uh : celtic "zealous, fiery"
Eden : EE-den : hebrew "delightful"
Edie : EE-dee : teutonic "rich gift"
Edith : EE-dith : teutonic "rich gift"
Edlyn : ED-lyn: old english "noble woman"
Edna : ED-nuh : hebrew "pleasure, delight"
Edolie : ED-oh-lee : old english "noble"
Edria : ED-ree-uh : hebrew "mighty"
Efia : eh-FEE-ah : ghanese "born on tuesday"
Eileen : IGH-leen : irish "bringer of light"
Eirene : ee-REH-neh : greek "peace"
Elaine : ee-LAYN : old french "light"
Eleanor : EHL-ah-nohr : greek "light"
Elektra : ee-LEK-truh : greek "bright"
Eleora : el-ee-OHR-ah : hebrew "the lord is my light"
Elina : eh-LEE-nuh : greek "pure"
Elisa : e-LIGH-zuh : spanish "dedicated to god"
Eliska : EHL-eez-kah : czechoslovakian "truthful"
Elissa : e-LIS-suh : greek "queen of carthage"
Elita : eh-LEE-tah : french "special one"
Elizabeth : ee-liz-ah-BETH : hebrew "god's oath"
Elle : EL-ah or EL : old english "beautiful fairy woman"
Elodie : EHL-oh-dee : greek "white blossom"
Else : EL-see or EL-suh : hebrew "concecrated to god"
Elysia : e-LEE-shuh : latin "sweetly blissful"
Ema : EH-muh : polynesian "beloved"
Emalia : e-MAY-lee-uh : latin "flirt"
Ember : EM-bur: old english "smoldering remains of a fire"
Emelie : EH-meel-e-uh or EM-ih-lee : german "industrious"
Emily : EM-ih-lee : teutonic "industrious"
Emma : EM-ah : old german "universal"
Endora : en-DOHR-ah : hebrew "fountain"
Enola : ay-NOH-lah : native american "magnolia"
Enye : EHN-yeh : yiddish "grace"
Eranthe : EE-ran-thuh : greek "spring flower"
Erasma : EE-raz-muh : greek "amiable"
Erianthe : ayr-EE-anth : greek "sweet as many flowers"
Erika : AYR-i-kah : old norse "ever-powerful"
Erin : AYR-in : irish "peace"
Erlina : ayr-LEE-nuh: irish "girl from ireland"
Eskarne : ehs-KAHR-neh : spanish "merciful"
Esperanza : ES-pur-AHN-zah : spanish "hope"
Esta : ES-tah : italian "from the east"
Estelle : es-TEL : latin "star"
Ester : ES-ter : swedish "star"
Etain : EE-tee-en or ee-TEE-en : irish "shining"
Etania : ay-TAY-nee-ah : native american "wealthy"
Etsu : ET-soo : japanese "delight"
Eudocia : YOO-do-shee-uh : greek "esteemed"
Eulalia : yoo-LAY-lee-ah : greek "fair of speech"
Eustacia : yoo-STAY-shuh : latin "tranquil"
Evacsa : eh-VATCH-kah : hebrew "life"
Evadine : e-vah-DEEN : greek - mythological character
Evadne : e-VAHD-nee : greek - a water-nymph
Evanthe : EE-vanth-ee : greek "flower"
Eve : EEV : hebrew "life"
Evelyn : EV-a-lin : irish "lively, pleasant"
Eyota : EE-yoh-tah : native american "greatest one"
[ b o y s ]
Eamon : EE-mun : anglo-saxon "wealthy guardian"
Eaton : EE-tun : old english "riverside village"
Edan : EE-dan : celtic "flame, fiery"
Edison : ED-i-sun : english "son of edward"
Edward : ED-wurd : old english "guardian of prosperity"
Edgan : EE-gen : gaelic "ardent"
Einar : EE-nahr or EYE-ner : norwegian "warrior, leader"
Elek : EE-lek : hungarian "helper and defender of mankind"
Eli : EE-ligh : hebrew "elevation"
Elijah : EE-ligh-zhah : hebrew "jehovah is god"
Elkan : el-KAHN : hebrew "he belongs to god"
Ellery : EL-er-ee : german "one who lives near the elder tree"
Elton : EL-ton : english "from the old estate"
Emil : EE-mil : old german "industrious"
Emmett : EM-met : english "hard worker"
Enrique : ehn-REE-keh : basque "ruler of an estate"
Erek : EHR-ek : polish "lovable"
Erik : EHR-ik : scandinavian "ever-powerful"
Erskine : ER-skin : gaelic "dweller of the top of the cliff"
Eryx : EHR-iks : greek - son of aphrodite and poseidon
Essien : ES-ee-en : african "sixth-born son"
Esteban : EHS-tay-vahn : spanish "crown"
Ethan : EE-thahn : hebrew "strong, firm"
Evan : EHV-un : greek "well-born"
Evan : EHV-unn : irish "young warrior"
Evander : ee-VAN-der : greek - early founder of rome "benevolent ruler"
Evzen : EV-zen : czechoslovakian "of noble birth"