[ g i r l s ]
Hadara : hah-DAHR-ah : hebrew "bedecked in beauty"
Hadassa : HAH-dah-sah : hebrew "flowering myrtle"
Hadiya : HAH-dee-yah: arabic "guide to righteousness" or "gift"
Haidee : HAY-dee : greek "modest"
Haimi : HAY-mee : hawaiian "the seeker"
Haldis : HAL-dis : teutonic "stone spirit"
Hale : HAH-leh or HAYL : old norse "army ruler"
Haley : HAY-lee : scandinavian "hero"
Hali : HAH-lee : greek "sea"
Hali : HAHL-ee : hebrew "necklace"
Halima : hah-LEE-mah : african "gentle"
Hallie : HAL-ee : greek "thinking of the sea"
Hana : HAH-nah : japanese "flower, blossom"
Hanan : hah-NAHN : arabic "mercy"
Hanne : HAHN-uh : hebrew "gracious"
Hasna : has-NAH : arabic "beautiful"
Hava : HAH-vah : hebrew "life"
Haya : HAY-ah : japanese "quick, light"
Haylee : HAY-lee : old english "from the hay meadow"
Hazel : HAY-zel : old english "commander"
Hea : HEH-ah : korean "grace"
Heather : HETH-er : old english "heather"
Hei : HEH : korean "grace"
Heidi : HIGH-dee : german "noble, kind"
Helen : HEL-en : greek "bright one"
Helki : HEL-kee : miwok indian "to touch"
Henka : HAIN-kah : teutonic "ruler of an estate"
Hesper : HES-per : greek "evening star"
Hilary : HIL-ar-ee : latin "cheerful"
Hinda : HIN-dah : hindi "female deer"
Hisa : HEE-sah : japanese "long-lasting"
Holly : HOL-ee : old english "holly grove"
Hoshi : HOH-shee : japanese "a star"
Huyana : HOY-ah-nah : native american "rain falling"
Hyacinth : HIGH-a-sinth : greek - hyacinth flower
Hye : HEH : korean "gracefulness"
Hypatia : HIGH-pay-shuh : greek "highest"
[ b o y s ]
Hackett : HAK-et : german "little woodsman"
Hadden : HAD-dun : english "child of the heather-filled valley"
Hadi : HAH-dee : arabic "guiding to the right"
Hadley : HAD-lee : old english "heath-covered meadow"
Hadrian : HAY-dree-an : swedish "dark one"
Hagan : HAH-gen : teutonic "strong defense"
Halden : HAL-den : teutonic "half dane"
Hale : HAYL : old english "hero"
Halian : hah-lee-AHN : zuni indian "of julius"
Halsey : HaL-see : old english "from Hal's island"
Hamilton : HAM-el-ton : old english "beautiful mountain"
Hamlin : HAM-lin : french "little home-lover"
Hank : HAYNK : german "ruler of an estate"
Harden : HAR-den : old english "from the hare valley"
Hardy : HAR-dee : teutonic "strong"
Harith : HAH-reeth : north african "cultivator"
Harman : HAR-mahn : old english "soldier"
Harold : HAYR-old : old english "army-power"
Harper : HAR-per : english "harp player"
Harrison : HAYR-ih-sun : english "son of Harry"
Hartley : HART-lee : english "from the deer pasture"
Hassan : ha-SAHN : arabic "handsome"
Hastin : HA-steen : hindi "elephant"
Hastings : HAY-stingz : german "swift one"
Hayes : HAYZ : english "from the hedged place"
Helaku : HEL-ah-koo : native american "sunny day"
Henning : HEN-ing : teutonic "ruler of an estate"
Henry : HEN-ree : old german "ruler of the home"
Herman : HER-men : old german "man of the army"
Hilton : HIL-ton : old english "manor on the hill"
Hiroshi : HEER-oh-shee : japanese "generous"
Holden : HOLD-en : teutonic "kindly, gracious"
Holt : HOLT : english "son of the unspoiled forest"
Houston : HEW-stun : english "hill town"
Hunter : HUHN-ter : old english "hunter"
Huntley : HUNT-lee : old english "hunter's meadow"