[ g i r l s ]
Ianthe : EE-anth : greek - violet-colored flower
Ida : IGH-duh : old english "prosperous"
Idola : IGH-doh-lah : greek "idolized"
Idonia : igh-DOHN-yuh : old german "industrious"
Ilona : IL-oh-nah : hungarian "beautiful"
Iman : ee-MAHN : arabic "faith, belief"
Imogene : IM-oh-jeen : latin "image"
India : IN-dee-ah : sanskrit "river"
Indira : in-DEER-uh : hindi "india"
Indra : EEN-druh : hindi "god of power"
Ines : EE-nehs : spanish "gentle"
Inga : EEN-guh : swedish "hero's daughter"
Ingrid : EEN-grid : teutonic "hero's daughter"
Iolana : IGH-oh-lah-nah : hawaiian "to soar like an eagle"
Iolanthe : ee-oh-LAN-theh : french "violet"
Iona : IGH-oh-nuh : greek - flower name
Iratze : ee-RAH-tseh : basque - refers to the virgin mary
Irene : IGH-reen : greek "peace"
Iris : IGH-ris : greek "the rainbow"
Isabel : IZ-uh-bel : spanish "concecrated to god"
Isadora : iz-uh-DOHR-uh : greek "gift of the moon"
Isaura : ee-SOR-uh : greek "soft air"
Isis : IGH-sis : egyptian "supreme goddess"
Isleta : ihs-LAY-tah : spanish "little island"
Isoke : ee-SOH-keh : african "satisfying gift"
Istas : EE-stahs : native american "snow"
Ivana : IGH-van-ah : hebrew "god is gracious"
Ivy : I-vee : greek - plant name
[ b o y s ]
Iain : IGH-en : gaelic "god's gracious gift"
Ian : EE-en : scottish "god is gracious"
Ilias : il-LEE-ahs : latin "jehovah is my god"
Ingmar : ING-mahr : scandinavian "famous son"
Ingram : EEN-gram : teutonic "ing's raven"
Isaac : IGH-sek : hebrew "laughing one"
Isaiah : IGH-say-uh : hebrew "salvation of the lord"
Israel : IZ-ray-el : hebrew "may god reign"
Itzak : IT-zahk : hebrew "laughter"
Ivan : ee-VAHN : hebrew "god's gracious gift"
Ivar : EE-vahr : norwegian "archer, a norse god"