[ g i r l s ]
Jacinda : JAH-sin-duh : greek "beautiful"
Jacinthe : zhah-SINTH : greek "hyacinth"
Jacqueline : JAK-i-lin : hebrew "supplanter"
Jada : JAH-dah : hebrew "wise"
Jael : JAH-ayl : hebrew "to ascend"
Jaen : yah-AYN : hebrew "ostrich"
Jaimie : JAY-mee : french "i love"
Jaione : HAH-e-oh-neh : basque "nativity"
Jakinda : JAH-kin-duh : basque "hyacinth"
Jala : jah-LAH : arabic "charity"
Jamie : JAY-mee : hebrew "supplanter"
Jamilah : juh-MEE-luh : arabic "beautiful"
Jana : YAH-nah : czechoslovakian "god's gracious gift"
Jana : JAH-nah : arabic "a harvest of fruit"
Jane : JAYN : hebrew "god is gracious"
Janet : JAN-it : hebrew "god's gracious gift"
Janna : JAN-nuh : hebrew "flourishing"
Jardena : jar-DEE-nah : hebrew "to flow downward"
Jarvia : JAHR-ve-ah : old german "spear-keen"
Jarvinia : JAHR-vin-e-ah : german "keen intelligence"
Jasmine : JAZ-min : persian - jasmine flower
Jaya : JAY-uh : hindi - name of god, victory
Jayne : JIN : hindi "victorious"
Jean : JEEN : hebrew "god is gracious"
Jelena : yeh-LAY-nah : russian "shining light"
Jenay : JA-nay : french - name of a plant
Jendayi : jen-DAH-yee : african "give thanks"
Jendyose : JEHN-de-oh-seh : ugandan "have done good to produce this child"
Jenica : zheh-NEE-kah : romanian "god is gracious"
Jennifer : JEN-i-fer : welsh "white spirit"
Jensine : JEN-seen : hebrew "god is gracious"
Jessamine : JES-ah-min : old french "jasmine"
Jessica : JES-i-kah : hebrew "god sees"
Jezebel : JEZ-ah-bel : hebrew "follower of idols"
Jihan : JEE-han : turkish "universe"
Jin : JIN : japanese "super-excellent"
Jin : JIN : korean "jewel"
Jina : JEE-nah : swahili "name"
Jinx : JEENKS : latin "a charm"
Joakima : YOH-ah-kee-mah : hebrew "the lord will judge"
Joan : JOEN : hebrew "god's gracious gift"
Jobey : JOH-bee : hebrew "persecuted"
Jobihna : JOH-bee-nuh : hebrew "the persecuted"
Jocelyn : JOS-e-lin : latin "happy, joyful"
Jocasa : jah-KOH-sah : latin "gleeful"
Joelle : JOH-luh or JOH-lee : hebrew "the lord is willing"
Joelliane : JOH-lee-en : hebrew "jehovah is god"
Joia : JOY-ah : latin "merry"
Jolan : YOH-lahn : hungarian "violet blossom"
Jolanta : YOH-lahn-tah : polish "violet blossoms"
Jolene : JOH-leen : english "he will increase"
Jolie : JOH-lee or ZHOE-lee : french "pretty, merry"
Joline : JOH-leen : english "he will increase"
Jonina : JOH-nee-nuh : hebrew "dove"
Jora : JOHR-ah : hebrew "autumn rain"
Jordane : JOHR-dayn : hebrew "descendant"
Josephine : JOH-sa-feen : hebrew "he shall increase"
Joyce : JOYHS : latin "rejoicing"
Judith : JOO-dith : hebrew "admired"
Julia : JOO-lee-uh : latin "downy-haired, youthful"
Julinka : JOO-leen-kah : latin "youthful"
Julita : joo-LEE-tah : filipino "youth"
Jumoke : JOO-moh-keh : african "everyone loves the baby"
Jun : JOON : chinese "truth"
Justine : JUS-teen : latin "just"
[ b o y s ]
Jabari : jah-BAH-ree : african "brave"
Jabir : ZHAH-beer : arabic "comforter"
Jacobe : yah-KOH-beh : hebrew "supplanter"
Jack : JAK : hebrew "god is gracious"
Jacques : ZJHAK : french "supplanter"
Jacy : JAY-cee : native american "the moon"
Jafar : JAH-fahr : hindi "little stream"
Jagger : JAG-ger : old english "a teamster"
Jal : JAHL : english gypsy "wanderer"
Jaleel : JAH-leel : arabic "great, fine"
Jamal : JAH-mahl : arabic "beauty"
James : JAYMZ : hebrew "supplanter"
Jamison : JAY-mih-sun : english "son of James"
Jared : JER-id : hebrew "one who rules"
Jarek : YAH-rek : polish "born in january"
Jeremiah : JAYR-uh-migh-uh : hebrew "exalted of the lord"
Jarman : JAHR-man : old english "a german"
Jaron : JAYR-on : hebrew "to cry out"
Jarvis : JAHR-vis : old english "driver"
Jason : JAY-sun : greek "healer"
Jasper : JAS-pur : persian "treasurer"
Javan : JAV-en : latin "angel of greece"
Javier : ZAY-vee-er : french "january"
Jed : JED : arabic "the hand"
Jedidiah : JED-ee-de-ah : hebrew "beloved of the lord"
Jedrek : YED-rik : polish "strong and manly"
Jeffrey : JEF-ree : teutonic "god's peace"
Jelani : jeh-LAH-nee : african "mighty"
Jeremy : JER-uh-mee : hebrew "appointed by god"
Jerolin : JER-oh-lin : latin "holy name"
Jerzy : JER-zee : polish "farmer"
Jesse : JES-ee : hebrew "wealthy"
Jibril : jih-BREEL : arabic - archangel gabriel
Jin : JIN : chinese "gold"
Jin : JIN : korean "truth"
Jiro : jee-ROH : japanese "second male"
Jivin : JEE-ven : hindi "to give life"
Joel : JOHL : hebrew "jehovah is the lord"
Johann : YOH-han : german "god's gracious gift"
John : JON : hebrew "god gave"
Jolon : JOH-lon : native american "valley of the dead oaks"
Jonah : JOH-nah : hebrew "dove"
Jonathan : JON-ah-then : hebrew "god gives"
Jordan : JOR-den : hebrew "descending"
Jorgen : YOHR-gen : greek "farmer"
Joseph : JOH-sef : hebrew "god adds"
Joshua : JOSH-yoo-uh : hebrew "lord is salvation"
Judd : JUD : hebrew "praised"
Jude : JOOD : hebrew "praise"
Julian : JOO-lee-en : latin "youthful"
Juma : JOO-mah : african "born on a friday"
Jung : CHUNG : korean "righteous"
Justin : JUS-tin : latin "just"