[ g i r l s ]

Kaatje : KAHT-yuh : dutch "pure"

Kachine : KAH-chee-neh : native american "sacred dancer"

Kaede : KAY-de : japanese "maple leaf"

Kaethe : KAH-tuh : greek "pure"

Kai : KAH-ee : hawaiian "sea"

Kai : KIGH : navajo indian "willow tree"

Kaia : KAH-ee-ah : greek "earth"

Kaie : KIGH-ee : celtic "combat"

Kaili : kah-EE-lee : hawaiian - a deity

Kaimi : KIGH-mee : polynesian "the seeker"

Kairos : KAYR-ohs : greek - goddess from jupiter

Kaiya : KIGH-yuh : japanese "forgiveness"

Kakra : kah-KRAH : ghanese "younger of twins"

Kala : KAH-lah : hindi "time, black"

Kalama : kuh-LAH-muh : hawaiian "flaming torch"

Kalanit : kah-LAH-neet : israeli - flower name

Kalare : KAH-layr-eh : latin "bright, clear"

Kalea : kuh-LAY-uh : hawaiian "bright"

Kali : KAH-lee : sanskrit "energy, dark goddess"

Kalika : KAH-lee-kuh : greek "rosebud"

Kalila : kah-LEE-lah : arabic "beloved"

Kalinda : KAH-leen-duh : sanskrit "sun, name of mountains"

Kaliska : KAH-lees-kuh : miwok indian "coyote chasing deer"

Kalle : KAH-lee : finnish "strong"

Kalonice : KAHL-oh-nees : greek "beauty's victory"

Kalyca : KAH-lee-kuh : greek "rosebud"

Kama : KAH-mah : sanskrit "love"

Kamala : kah-MAH-luh : hindi "lotus"

Kamali : KAH-mah-lee : rhodesian "spirit protector"

Kamaria : kah-mah-REE-ah : swahili "like the moon"

Kambo : KAM-boh : african "must work for everything"

Kameko : kah-MEE-koh : japanese "tortoise-child, symbol for long-life"

Kamilah : kah-MEE-luh : arabic "the perfect one"

Kane : KAH-nee : japanese "the doubly-accomplished"

Kanene : ka-NEEN : african "a little thing in the eye is big"

Kanika : kah-NEE-kah : kenyan "black cloth"

Kamilia : KAH-meel-e-ah : slavic "sweet flower"

Kantha : KAN-thuh : hindi - name of a god

Kanya : KAN-yuh : hindi "virgin"

Kapera : kah-PEH-rah : african "this child, too, will die"

Kara : KAYR-uh : greek "pure"

Karan : KAYR-ahn : greek "pure"

Karayan : kah-rah-YAHN : armenian "the dark one"

Karen : KAYR-en : greek "pure"

Karida : KAH-ree-dah : arabic "untouched, viriginal"

Karimah : kah-REE-mah : african "generous"

Karka : KAHR-kuh : hindi "crab"

Karli : KAHR-lee : turkish "covered with snow"

Kasia : KAYZ-yuh : slavic "pure"

Katja : KAHT-yuh : greek "pure"

Kayla : KAY-luh : greek "pure"

Kasa : KAH-shah : hopi indian "fur-robe dress"

Kasen : KAY-sen : greek "pure"

Kasinda : kah-SEEN-dah : african "born to a family with twins"

Kassia : KAH-shuh : greek "pure"

Katoka : ka-TOH-kah : hungarian "pure"

Katrien : KAY-tree-en : dutch "pure"

Kaula : KAHL-uh : polynesian "prophet"

Kaveri : KAH-vayr-ee : hindi - sacred river of india

Kavindra : kah-VIN-druh : hindi "mighty poet"

Kaya : KAH-yah : hopi indian "my elder sister-little"

Kaysa : KAY-suh : swedish "pure"

Kazia : KAH-zee-uh : hebrew - plant with cinnamon-like bark

Keara : KEER-uh : irish - from a saint's name

Keelin : KEE-lin : celtic "slender, fair"

Keely : KEE-lee : gaelic "beautiful and graceful"

Kefira : KEH-feer-ah : hebrew "young lioness"

Kehinde : keh-heen-DEH : yoruban "second of twins"

Kei : KIGH : japanese "rapture, reverence"

Keiko : KIGH-koh : japanese "adored one"

Keisha : KEE-shuh : african "favorite"

Kekona : KEH-koh-nuh : hawaiian "second-born"

Kelda : KEL-dah : scandinavian "clear mountain spring"

Kelly : KEHL-ee : teutonic "farm by the spring"

Kelsey : KEHL-see : scandinavian "from the ship's island"

Kendra : KEN-druh : anglo-saxon "understanding, knowledge"

Kennis : KEN-nis : gaelic "beautiful"

Kenyangi : KEN-yahn-jee : ugandan "white egret"

Kepa : KEH-pah : basque "stone"

Kerani : KAYR-ah-nee : hindi "sacred bells"

Kerensa : KAYR-en-zah : cornish "love"

Kesare : KEH-SAH-reh : spanish "long-haired"

Kesi : KEH-see : swahili "born when the father was in trouble"

Kesia : KEH-shuh : african "favorite"

Kessie : KEH-see : ghanese "fat at birth"

Keturah : KEH-tuhr-uh : hebrew "fragrance"

Ketzia : ket-ZEE-ah : hebrew "surface, cinnamon-like bark"

Khalida : kah-LEE-dah : arabic "immortal"

Kichi : KIGH-chee : japanese "fortunate"

Kiele : kee-EHL-ee : hawaiian "gardenia, fragrant blossom"

Kimberly : KIM-ber-lee : old english "royal fortress meadow"

Kineta : KIH-net-tah : greek "active one"

Kiona : KEE-oh-nah : native american "brown hills"

Kira : KEER-ah : latin "light"

Kira : KIGH-ruh : persian "sun"

Kiran : KEER-ahn : hindi "ray"

Kirby : KUR-bee : anglo-saxon "church town"

Kirima : KIH-re-mah : eskimo "a hill"

Kirsten : KEER-sten : greek "christian"

Kirti : KEER-tee : hindi "fame"

Kisa : KEE-suh : russian "kitty"

Kiska : KIS-kah or KEE-skah : russian "pure"

Kismet : KIZ-met : english "fate, destiny"

Kissa : KISS-ah : ugandan "born after twins"

Kita : kee-TAH : japanese "north"

Kohana : KOH-hah-nah : japanese "little flower"

Koko : KOH-koh : native american "night"

Kolina : koh-LEEN-uh : greek "pure"

Koren : KOHR-en : greek "maiden"

Kristen : KRIS-ten : latin "follower of christ"

Kyna : KEEN-ah : gaelic "wise"

Kynthia : KIN-thee-ah : greek "born under sign of cancer"

Kyoko : KEE-yoh-koh : japanese "mirror"

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Kadin : kah-DEEN : arabic "friend, companion"

Kai : KIGH : hawaiian "sea"

Kaikara : KAH-ee-kah-rah : ugandan - traditonal name of god

Kalb : KAHLB : arabic "dog"

Kale : KAH-leh : hawaiian "strong and manly"

Kalil : kah-LEEL : arabic "good friend"

Kalkin : kal-KEEN : hindi - tenth incarnation of god vishnu

Kalman : KAWL-man : hungarian "strong and manly"

Kamal : KAH-mahl : hindi - name of a god

Kane : KAYN : gaelic "tribute" or "warrior"

Kane : KAH-nee : hawaiian "man" or "the eastern sky"

Kaniel : KAN-e-el : hebrew "stalk, reed"

Kardal : KAHR-del : arabic "mustard seed"

Karsten : KAHR-sten : greek "christian"

Kasch : KASH : german "like a blackbird"

Kasen : KAYZ-en : latin "protected with a helmut"

Kaspar : KAS-pahr : persian "a treasured secret"

Kateb : KAY-tehb : arabic "writer"

Kayin : kah-YEEN : yoruban "celebrated child"

Keane : KEEN : english "sharp, bold"

Kearney : KEER-nee : celtic "warrior"

Kedar : KEH-dahr : hindi "mountain lord, powerful"

Keefe : KEEF : gaelic "lovable and handsome"

Keelan : KEE-lan : gaelic "little, slender"

Keenan : KEE-nan : gaelic "little ancient one"

Kegan : KEE-gan : celtic "fiery"

Keir : KEER : celtic "dark-skinned"

Keith : KEETH : welsh "wood-dweller"

Kelby : KEL-bee : old norse "from the farm by the springs"

Keleman : KEL-man : hungarian "gentle, kind"

Kell : KEL : english "from the spring"

Kellen : KEL-len : german "swamp"

Kelvin : KEHL-vin : gaelic "from the narrow river"

Kenan : KEE-nan : hebrew "possession"

Kendrick : KEND-rik : gaelic "son of henry"

Kenelm : KEN-elm : old english "brave helmet"

Kenley : KEN-lee : old english "dweller at the king's meadow"

Ken : KEN : old welsh "clear water"

Kennard : KE-nard : english "strong"

Kennedy : KEN-e-dee : gaelic "helmeted chief"

Kenneth : KEN-nith : gaelic "handsome"

Kent : KENT : old english "border, coast"

Kenton : KEN-ton : old english "from the king's estate"

Kenyon : KEN-yan : gaelic "blond-haired"

Keona : KEE-ohn-ee : hawaiian "god's gracious gift"

Ker : KAYR : english gypsy "house"

Kern : KURN : gaelic "dark"

Kers : KEHRS : todas indian - name of a plant

Kersen : KER-sen : indonesian "cherry"

Kester : KES-ter : latin "from the camp of the roman army"

Kevin : KEH-vin : gaelic "gentle, lovable"

Khoury : kohr-EE : arabic "priest"

Kiefer : KEE-fur : german "barrel-maker"

Kieran : KEER-ahn : gaelic "small and dark-skinned"

Kiernan : KEER-nan : gaelic "dark-skinned"

Kin : KIN : japanese "golden"

Kinnel : KIN-el : gaelic "dweller at the head of the cliff"

Kinsey : KIN-zee : old english "victorious prince"

Kintan : KEEN-tan : hindi "wearing a crown"

Kipp : KIP : old english "from the pointed hill"

Kirk : KURK : scandinavian "from the church"

Kiyoshi : KEE-oh-shee : japanese "quiet"

Kontar : KOHN-tar : ghanese "only child"

Krischan : KRIS-shan : greek "christian"

Krister : KREE-ster : swedish "christian"

Kyle : KYL : gaelic "handsome" or "near the chapel"

Kyler : KIGH-ler : dutch "archer"