[ g i r l s ]
Nadia : NAH-de-yuh : russian "hope"
Nadine : NAY-deen : russian "hope"
Naia : NAY-uh : greek "flowing"
Nailah : NAH-ee-lah : african "succeeding"
Naimah : na-EE-mah : arabic "living a soft, enjoyable life"
Nalani : nah-LAH-nee : hawaiian "calmness of the skies"
Nalini : nah-LEE-nee : sanskrit "lovely"
Namazzi : NAH-mah-chee : ugandan "water"
Nami : NAH-mee : japanese "wave"
Nancy : NAN-see : hebrew "grace"
Nantale : NAHN-ta-lee : ugandan "clan totem is a lion"
Naomi : NAY-oh-mee : hebrew "sweet, pleasant"
Napea : NAH-pe-uh : latin "of the valleys"
Nara : NAH-rah : native american - place name
Narda : NAHR-dah : latin "fervently annointed"
Narmada : NAHR-mah-dah : hindi - name of a river
Nasiche : nah-SEE-cheh : ugandan "born during locust season"
Natalie : nah-TAH-lee : latin "born on christmas"
Natane : nah-TAH-neh : arapaho indian "daughter"
Natasha : nah-TAH-shuh : slavic "born on christmas"
Natesa : nah-TAY-shah : hindi "dance lord"
Naysa : NEH-sah : hebrew "miracle of god"
Nazirqah : nah-ZEE-rah : arabic "equal, like"
Neala : NEE-luh : celtic "chieftainess"
Neci : NAY-see : latin "intense, fiery"
Nediva : neh-DEE-vuh : hebrew "noble and generous"
Neely : NEE-lee : english "champion"
Nekane : neh-KAH-neh : spanish "sorrows"
Nell : NEL : greek "light"
Neola : NEE-oh-lah : greek "youthful"
Neoma : nee-OH-mah : greek "new moon"
Neona : nee-OH-nuh : greek "new moon"
Neria : NEER-ee-uh : hebrew - name of angel or "lamp of god"
Nerine : nayr-EEN : greek - a nereid "one from the sea"
Nerissa : ner-IS-uh : latin "daughter of the sea"
Neva : NAY-vah : spanish "snow"
Nevada : neh-VAH-dah : latin "snowy"
Neysa : NAY-suh : greek "pure"
Nicia : NEE-chee-uh : greek "victorious army"
Nicole : NIH-kohl : greek "victory of the people"
Nika : NEEK-uh : greek "victory"
Nika : NEE-kah : russian "born on sunday"
Nimah : nee-MAH : arabic "blessing, loan"
Nina : NEE-nuh : hebrew "grace"
Niobe : NEE-oh-bee : greek "fern"
Nira : NEER-ah : hebrew "of the loom"
Nirvelli : NEER-vel-ee : tudas indian "water child"
Nissa : NIS-uh : scandinavian "friendly elf"
Nita : NEE-tah : native american "bear"
Nitara : nih-TAH-rah : hindi "deeply rooted"
Nitzana : nee-TSAH-nah : hebrew "blossom"
Nixie : NIKS-ee : old german "water sprite"
Noelani : NOH-lah-nee : hawaiian "beautiful girl from heaven"
Noella : NO-el-uh : french "christmas"
Nona : NOH-nuh : latin "ninth"
Nora : NOHR-ah : latin "honor, light"
Nori : NOHR-ee : japanese "doctrine"
Noriko : NOHR-ee-koh : japanese "doctrine child"
Nydia : NIH-de-yuh : latin "refuge"
Nyssa : NEEHS-uh : greek "beginning"
Nyx : NIKS : greek "night"
[ b o y s ]
Naeem : NAH-eem : north african "benevolent"
Nalren : NAHL-ren : dene indian "he is thawed out"
Nantan : nan-TAHN : apache indian "spokesman"
Nathaniel : nah-THAN-yel : hebrew "gift of god"
Neil : NEEL : gaelic "champion"
Nelek : NEL-ek : polish "like a horn"
nelson : NEL-sun : english "son of neil"
Neron : neh-RON : spanish "strong, stern"
Nevan : NEV-in : irish "holy"
Neville : NEV-il : latin "from the new town"
Nevin : NEV-in : gaelic "nephew"
Nicanor : NEE-ka-nor : spanish "victorious army"
Nigel : NIGH-jel : latin "dark"
Nikolos : NIH-koh-lohs : greek "victorious people"
Nils : NILS : danish "champion"
Nishan : NEE-shahn : armenian "sign"
Nodin : NOH-din : native american "wind"
Noe : noh-EH : spanish "peace, rest"
Nolan : NOH-lan : gaelic "famous and noble"
Nuri : NOO-ree : arabic "fire"
Nyle : NIGHL : old english "island"