[ g i r l s ]

Obelia : OH-beel-ee-ah : greek "pillar of strength"

Octavia : ok-TAY-vee-ah : latin "the eighth"

Odelia : oh-DEE-lee-uh : hebrew "i will praise god"

Odera : oh-DEH-ruh : hebrew "plough"

Odessa : OH-des-suh : greek "a long journey"

Odile : OH-deel : french "rich"

Ohanna : oh-HAHN-nah : armenian "god's gracious gift"

Okelani : oh-KAH-lah-nee : hawaiian "from heaven"

Olathe : oh-LAH-thah : native american "beautiful"

Olayinka : oh-lah-YEEN-kah : yoruban "honors surround me"

Olesia : oh-LEE-shuh : polish "helper and defender of mankind"

Oliana : oh-LEE-ah-nuh : hawaiian "oleander"

Olinda : oh-LEEN-dah : old german "protector of property"

Olivia : oh-LIV-ee-ah : greek "olive tree"

Ona : OO-nah : lithuanian "graceful one"

Onida : OH-nee-duh : native american "the expected one"

Ophelia : oh-FEEL-ee-uh : greek "serpent"

Oralie : OR-ah-lee : latin "golden"

Orane : OHR-ah-nee : french "rising"

Orenda : oh-RAYN-dah : iroquois indian "magic power"

Orianna : oh-REE-ah-nuh : latin "golden, dawning"

Oriel : OH-ree-el : old french "golden, angel of destiny"

Oriole : OHR-ee-ul : latin "fair-haired"

Orlantha : OHR-lan-thuh : old german "from the land"

Orsa : OHR-suh : latin "little she bear"

[ b o y s ]

Oakes : OHKS : english "from the oak-tree grove"

Ochen : OH-ken : ugandan "one of the twins"

Odin : OH-din : norse - head god in norse mythology

Odion : OH-de-an : nigerian "first of twins"

Odon : OH-don : hungarian "wealthy protector"

Oliver : OL-i-ver : latin "an olive"

Oren : OHR-en : hebrew "ash-tree"

Orion : OH-righ-un : greek "son of fire, the hunter"

Orman : OHR-men : english "spearman"