[ g i r l s ]

Ula : OO-lah : celtic "sea jewel"

Ulani : OO-lah-nee : polysnesian "cheerful"

Ultima : UHL-ti-mah : latin "aloof"

Uma : OO-mah : hebrew "nation"

Uma : OO-mah : hindi "mother"

Una : OO-nuh : latin "one"

Undine : un-DEEN : latin "of the wave"

Urania : yoo-RAY-nee-ah : greek - muse of astronomy "heavenly"

Uria : oo-REE-uh : hebrew "light of the lord"

Uriana : YOOR-ee-ah-nah : greek "the unknown"

Uta : OO-tah : german "fortunate maid of battle"

[ b o y s ]

Ulysses : YOO-lih-seez : latin "wrathful"

Upton : UP-tun : english "from the upper town"