[ g i r l s ]

Vala : VAYL-uh : old english "chosen"

Valda : VAHL-dah : old norse "spirited warrior"

Valentina : val-en-TEEN-uh : latin "strong"

Valerie : VAHL-er-ee : latin "strong"

Valeska : VAH-les-kah : polish "glorious ruler"

Valonia : va-LOHN-ee-uh : latin "of the vale"

Valora : vah-LOHR-uh : latin "the valorous"

Vanda : VAHN-dah : slavic "wanderer"

Vanessa : VAH-nes-suh : greek "butterfly"

Vanora : vah-NOHR-ah : scottish "white wave"

Vanya : VAHN-yah : russian "gracious gift of god"

Vashti : VAHSH-tee : persian "beautiful"

Veda : VAY-dah : hindi "sacred knowledge"

Velika : VEL-ee-kah : old slavic "great"

Vera : VEER-ah or VEHR-ah : latin "true"

Verena : vah-REE-nuh : teutonic "defender"

Verity : VER-i-tee : english "truth"

Veronica : VER-on-i-kah : latin "true image"

Vesta : VES-tah : latin "guardian of the sacred fire"

Vevila : VEH-vee-lah : gaelic "woman with a melodious voice"

Victoria : VIK-tohr-e-ah : latin "victory"

Vidonia : vi-DOH-nee-uh : latin "vine branch"

Violet : VIGH-oh-let : latin "violet flower"

Virginia : VER-jin-yah : latin "maiden, virgin"

Viridis : VEER-i-dihs : latin "youthful and blooming"

Viveka : VIH-vek-ah : german "little woman"

Vivian : VIV-ee-en : latin "lively"

Voleta : VOH-let-tah : greek "veiled one"

Vrinda : VREEN-dah : hindi "divine virtue and strength"

[ b o y s ]

Van : VAN : dutch "from, of"

Vance : VAHNS : english "very high places" or "marshes"

Vaughan : VAWN : celtic "small"

Victor : VIK-tohr : latin "conqueror"

Vito : VEE-toh : latin "conquerer"